3 Phase Monitor/Generator Tester. Specifications:
Model GEN-3/63/5M
Gauges: 1 x Phase Rotation Indicator 500v, 1 x 500v Voltmeter, 1 x 500v 50 Hz Frequency Meter
3 x 60a Ammeters
Lamps: Red Phase 1 Powered, Yellow Phase 2 Powered, Blue Phase 3 Powered
1 x Neutral to Earth Connection.
1 x 7 Way Volt selector: Off, L1 to L2, L2 to L3, L3 to L1, L1 to Neutral, L2 to Neutral, L3 to Neutral
Plugs: 1 x Panel Mounted 5 pin 63a Appliance input Plug
Sockets: 1 x Panel Mounted 400v 5 pin 16a Socket, 1 x Panel Mounted 400v 5 pin 32a Socket, 1 x Panel Mounted 400v 5 pin 63a socket
Fly Lead: 1 x Lead 400v 5 pin 63a Trailing Socket, 400v 5 pin 63a Plug, 2 Metres 5 Core 16mm HO7RN-F Cable.
Box: 465x385x120mm (20027)
Do Not use in Rain or Wet Conditions, Do Not exceed 40a Load per Phase, Do Not Run any appliance that will put you or anyone else in Danger Physically or Electrically, Do Not carry out any repairs whatsoever on the Monitor/Generator Tester without the express permission of the Manufacturer "2000 Test Equipment"
Do Not use this Monitor/Generator Tester for any other purpose than for which it was designed. Net Weight with Fly Lead .